Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Vocabulary: Words starting with A (1-10)


1. Abase


Meaning in English: to reduce, to lower, hurt the pride of, behave in a way that degrades (someone)
Meaning in Hindi: अपमानित करना, नीचा दिखाना
Usage in Sentence:
"I watched my friends abasing themselves before the Vice-Chancellor."
"He abased his head."
Synonyms: dishonour, defame, belittle, mortify, debase, cheapen, disgrace, demote, reduce, fawn
Antonyms: increase, promote, improve, upgrade, respect, honor, esteem
- base means lower so abase means to lower.
- In hindi we use slang 'abbe + shhh' to degrade someone. (abbe chup kar). abbe(aba) + shhh (se) = abase

2. Ancestry


Middle English: alteration of Old French ancesserie, from ancestre
Meaning in English: family decent, a series of ancestors, the origin of something
Meaning in Hindi: वंश, कुल, वंश परंपरा
Usage in Sentence:
"He is proud of his ancestry."
"Rahul Gandhi is famous because of his ancestry."
Synonyms: blood, descent, heredity, bloodline, origin, roots, heritage, pedigree, forerunner, antecessor
Antonyms: end
- ancestor means family so ancestry is ancestor + tree = ancestry ie family tree.

3. Anchor


Old English ancor, ancra, via Latin from Greek ankura ; reinforced in Middle English by Old French ancre . The current form is from anchora, an erroneous Latin spelling. The verb (from Old French ancrer ) dates from Middle English.
Meaning in English: 
- fasten firmly, fixed in place
- thing or person that can be relied upon for support.
- an anchorman or anchorwomen
Meaning in Hindi: 
- आसरा, अनुषंगी
Usage in Sentence:
"Dravid played a role of sheet anchor in innumerable innings."
"Barkha Dutt is a good news anchor."
Synonyms: fasten, grip, hold, presenter, reporter, attach, connect.
Antonyms: harm, release, hurt
- Remember 'anchor' tooth paste which holds your teeth.

4. Ancillary


from Latin ancillāris  concerning maidservants.
Meaning in English: 
- providing necessary support in primary activities of system or organisation.
- serving as an aid
- supplementary, auxiliary
Meaning in Hindi: 
- सहायक, 
- समाचार उद्घोषक
Usage in Sentence:
"My mother needs ancillary in household work."
"The school has notified the requirement of teachers and ancillaries."
Synonyms: accessory, assist, extra, attendant, accompanying, subordinate, subservient.
Antonyms: needed, necessary
- Ancillary is like Artillery (तोपखाना) which is support to army.

5. Anecdote


from French, or via modern Latin from Greek anekdota ‘things unpublished’, from an- ‘not’ + ekdotos, from ekdidōnai ‘publish’.
Meaning in English: 
- short story of particular incident or event.
- the depiction of minor narrative incident in painting.
- supplementary, auxiliary
Meaning in Hindi: - छोटी सी कहानी, उपाख्यान
Usage in Sentence:
"The death of Prime minister has been long the subject of anecdote."
"The movie was collection of small anecdotes."
Synonyms: story, tale, narrative, sketch, incident, fairy tale, narration, reminiscence.
- Think anecdote like anek(many) dots. A story has many dots.

6. Anesthetic


1840–50,  Americanism; < Greek anaísthēt ( os ) without feeling, senseless + -ic; see an-1 , esthetic.
Meaning in English: 
- a substance that produces anesthesia
- a substance that removes sensation.
Meaning in Hindi: चेतनानाशक, संवेदनानाशक
Usage in Sentence:
"An anesthetic gas."
"Jack was given anesthetic."
Synonyms: pain killer, sedative, narcotic, numbing, opiate.
Antonyms: stimulant
- Anesthetic is medicine that reduces pain.

7. Anguish


Middle English: via Old French from Latin angustia ‘tightness’, (plural) ‘straits, distress’, from angustus ‘narrow’.

Meaning in English: acute distress, extreme suffering, severe mental or physical pain. 
Meaning in Hindi: - पीड़ा, मनोव्यथा
Usage in Sentence:
"Adam shut his eyes in anguish."
"For last one week I was anguishing where I would get job or not."
Synonyms: agony, pain, sorrow, despair, woe, desolation, torture, distress.
Antonyms: delight, relief, happiness, joy.
- Anguish = Anger + ish. When you are in anger, you tend to wish pain for the person who caused you anger.

8. Angular


1590–1600;  < Latin angulāris  having corners or angles, equivalent to angul ( us ) angle1  + -āris -ar1.

Meaning in English: having an angle, sharp corners, lean, bony, not rounded, gaunt
Meaning in Hindi: - कोणीय
Usage in Sentence:
"Her face is angular."
"Mohit is tall, angular man."
Synonyms: sharp-cornered, V-shaped, bony, bifurcate, oblique
Antonyms: fat, straight, curvy, rounded, plump
- Angular sounds like angle. Anything having an angle.

 9. Animadversion


mid 16th cent.: from French, or from Latin animadversio(n- ), from the verb animadvertere.

Meaning in English: comment critically with disapproval, critical remark, criticism.
Meaning in Hindi: - आलोचना, निंदा, टीका-टिप्पणी
Usage in Sentence:
"Animesh made animadversion on Abhishek’s conduct."
Synonyms: criticism, accusation, perception, flak, disapprove
Antonyms: compliment, praise, approval
- ‘Any mad version’ of speech will bring criticism from every one.

10. Animated


late Middle English: from Latin animat- ‘instilled with life’, from the verb animare, from anima ‘life, soul’.

Meaning in English: bring to life, lively, spirited, fill with courage, to give motion.
Meaning in Hindi: - जोशपूर्ण, प्रफ़ुल्ल, तेजस्वी, सजीव
Usage in Sentence:
"Honey Singh’s presence animated the party."
Synonyms: energize, inspire, revive, enlighten, inspire, exhilarate, arouse, live
Antonyms: dead, inactive, quiet, shy, spiritless, discouraged
- Think of animals which are generally very energetic and lively.

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